
Flipped Lesson Plan

Today we're talking about flipped classrooms - Here, you'll see my flipped lesson plan - as well as the link to the slides / videos that students would engage with. I really love the concept of a flipped lesson, because it allows for so much class time to be used productively! Hopefully my flipping attempt goes a little better than this poor thing: Alright, Enjoy! Flipped Classroom Lesson Outline Name: Ariel Hummer Date: 07/02/2020 Lesson Title: Writing - The Nitty Gritty  Subject Area: ELA  Grade Level: 11 Time Needed: ~30 minutes at home  Materials: Chromebooks  Google slides linked here: Lecture videos are linked within the slides Next Generation Standards: 11-12R6: Analyze how authors employ point of view, perspective, and purpose, to shape explicit and implicit messages (e.g., persuasiveness, aesthetic quality, satire, sarcasm, irony, or understatement). (RI&RL) 11-12R9

Project Based Learning in ELA

First thing's first: Here is the link to the article I'm going to be talking about! -->  Today we're talking about project based learning, which happens to be something I'm incredibly excited about and interested in. Our task for this post was to search "Project Based Learning" on and see what we can find / what's helpful / etc. While I was perusing, I came  across an article called "Project-Based Learning and the Research Paper." It stood out because I happen to be in the process of creating a PBL research paper unit as we speak! I was excited to see this article, because I assumed it would be helpful. Spoiler alert - it was!  Here are my major takeaways:  PBL is great, because it allows for collaboration. Students are able to work on a project in a group setting, which allows for deeper engagement and connection.  A PBL research unit allows students to wo

Interactive Whiteboards

When I was in high school, SMART boards were a new & incredibly exciting thing! Any time we had the opportunity to go up and write something on the board, we were thrilled. Now, they're standard in classrooms, but how can I make sure I'm using mine in a meaningful way?  "Interactive Whiteboards and Digital Displays Enhance Classroom Instruction & Learning" from suggests that digital whiteboards and traditional ones are actually pretty interchangeable. However, they also have this list of ways you can use an interactive whiteboard or digital display to enhance the classroom experience:  "Classroom applications for using interactive whiteboards and digital displays include: Multimedia lessons and presentations including audio and video Collaborative problem solving Showcasing student projects and presentations Virtual field trips Recorded lessons that can be used by substitute teachers Documentation of student achievement"  (https://www.neamb

Educational Videos in the Classroom

Video can be a powerful medium for student engagement! When used properly, it can promote extended focus & engagement, and can appeal to all learners through opportunities for differentiation. Using subtitles allows students to watch, listen to, or read, allowing them to engage with the video in whatever way works best for them. Further, providing subtitles (or closed captions) for the video promotes increased reading and literacy skills. It's also an invaluable tool for ELL students, as it provides an opportunity to match what words look like with what they sound like. Also important, is supplementing the video with other resources so students can fully investigate a topic through multiple mediums. For more information, go to 

Classroom Websites & Fun Graphics

Hello guys! As I sit here, it's 4:47 a.m., and I gotta be honest, who knew classroom websites & Canva would be so interesting I'd lose track of time that much? Anyway, below you'll see a little graphic explaining a bit more about classroom websites - pros & cons of some existing websites, and what should be included in order to have a successful classroom website. There's also a little pdf presentation (because I was a little confused) - either way, enjoy!

Ethics, Students & the Internet

Welcome to ari learns to teach! As a grad student, I'm currently soaking up as much as I can so that in a few short months, I can walk into my classroom feeling as prepared as possible - Until then, I'm going to share that knowledge with all of you. This week's topic is the INTERNET (**clapping & cheering**), because honestly, where would we be without it? With the internet comes a whole new realm of responsibility. Having access to the internet is honestly a lot like having a super power - you have access to almost anything you could ever want, and have the ability to do great things (or terrible things) depending on the tools you have, and how you choose to use them. With that in mind, it's our duty as teachers to build a culture of ethical technology usage in the classroom (so that we aren't unknowingly building a culture of super hackers & cyber criminals). The internet & technology as a whole are incredibly useful tools, but only if they are be